


  • Ohigashi, T.*, Madegwa, Y. M., Karuku, G. N., Njira, K. & Uchida, Y.
    “Agricultural land use induces broader homogenization of soil microbial functional composition than taxonomic composition”

  • Darnajoux, R.†*, Haynes, S., Renaudin, M.†, Magain, N., Dani, S., Koonin, S., Miadlikowska, J., Uchida, Y., Ohigashi, T., Haughland, D., Lutzoni, F., Bellenger, J. P. & Zhang, X.
    “Global role of vanadium for nitrogen fixation in extratropical forests”



  1. Ohigashi, T.*, Mori, S., Tago, K., Ohbayashi, T., Hara, S. & Uchida, Y. (in press)
    “Differential responses of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacterial and archaeal communities to land-use change in Zambia”
    Microbes and Environments


  1. Soe, N. C., Yohannes, Y. B., Ohigashi, T., Nakata, H., Tatsumi, C., Uchida, Y., Mufalo, W., Ito, M., Sato, T., Igarashi, T., Ikenaka, Y., Ishizuka, M., & Nakayama, S. M. M.* (2024)
    “Effect of chicken manure amendment on lead burden in mice: Exposure to lead-spiked soil”
    Journal of Soils and Sediments, 24, 2001–2011


  1. Ohigashi, T., Schloter, M., Schulz, S., Munthali, K., & Uchida, Y.* (2021)
    “Changes in soil prokaryotic diversity in response to land-use changes in sub-Saharan Africa”
    Soil Systems, 5(4), 62